Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Well, ain't this special...
it's May already. Yeah I know, but mine is gone, so I don't celebrate that day, so let's move on, shall we.

Here we are, five month's into the new year, anyone feel older? HELL NO! Though I have to say that I do feel that this year is going a might bit slow.
Ever get the feeling that your job is out to get you? I don't know, it may be paranoia, but I can't help but feel that I'm next on the "let's see who's ass we can kick out" list. Seems that every time we get a new crop of people in, ya know..."New hires", they let some of the older folk go. Those of us that they (management) feel have not been towing the line, been a bit late, or a general pain in the ass by bringing to light certain issues that the company is failing to notice. Like adequate customer service! Tell ya, make a few waves and some people get their noses out of joint.

Guess I better keep my options open, huh?

could be worse...Could be the lakers...OH SNAP!


1 comment:

Wolfies Rants said...

You don't have anything better to do than leave a fucking spam advertisement!

what freaking loser.

Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda...Says who?

     So, I watch this program on NBC called "American Ninja Warrior" its a fun show that showcases agility, fitness, at...