Saturday, June 23, 2007

A year ago....

I managed to get a certain piece in just passed the wire...mainly speaking just passed the 12:00 hour..needless to say I didn't make the time and it came out a day late and a dollar short.

Not that it's a big deal, I don't make that big a deal out of this day anymore...just another day to me...but I do write about things like this, so I figured, why not. house, new dog even..hell, even have a new shit all the way why the hell not.

If you must know, I'm turning 46 today...yeah..another year older..the dog is having his day. Like I said, just another day to me. Nothing special, just cake and ice cream..wife and the kids(dogs)...and 112 degree heat...gotta love the desert..

its 1 AM now and its 97's that for a birthday gift?

So..A year I where I want to be? Personally, yes and no...yes, I'm in my own home..finally not paying some other assholes house payment...making this assholes house payment..hahahahha! a sense that the new job is not what I expected it to be..the Tedium is driving me nuts. It's boring, the people are standoffish...and did I say it was boring...I feel like a legalized drug pusher...AND I SWEAR...If one more person yells at me because they can't get their damn drugs..I'm going apeshit on their asses....

I've started writing again..guess that's a plus. A friend has also suggested a writing project as that may be in the works...
My film needs partner, well...he needs a kick in the ass...nuff said.

I'm still blogging...the people that read my blog, are still here..some new ones come by...but the ones that are most important to me, you know who you are...are still here..and that is a big plus.

So what's in a day...a life, a time...a dream...well I don't do that anymore..but if I did, I'm sure this would be one of them.



Jonzz said...


Annie said...

46? you were like, born in the 1950's man.. you're oooooooold. Over the hill and through the woods to 90 degree weather in the Arizona woods.

*dancing*... kakakakakaka

Didn't I PROMISE to laugh when it got to Summer and you'd find yourself in 90 degree HOT weather. Well, I always oblige and keep my promises. !

*nudging Jonzz over*

Happy Birthday to you

about the job? Time to look around for another? or change departments? Might be another opportunity out there calling your name.

Wolfies Rants said...

thats the plan..
and thanks..

Annie said...

I have a headache Wolfie.. where's my share of your birthday cake.

I've been waiting and waiting.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Wolfie!

Yes. We are waiting for a slice of your cake. Haha

Wolfies Rants said...

dogs ate it...but it was good..and again, thank you all..I got more well wishes from people I've come to know here, but never met, than I did from my own family..
oh well...then again, you guys are kinda like that aren't extended blogger family.


Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda...Says who?

     So, I watch this program on NBC called "American Ninja Warrior" its a fun show that showcases agility, fitness, at...