Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Guess we survived...DAMN, No zombies!

Well hell, Harold..Guess you were wrong again...Hey can't be right all the time, bubkey..well in your case, yes, you can't be right all the time.
Come on people, the man is 9,000 years old...He's Freaking Methuselah, for fucks sake! Without the freaking wisdom that age is supposed to bring..just the senility.
Wonder how many gathered for his little fireside apocalyptic chat, this time? hmm?

Laters Harry...

Now on to lighter news..
Netflix owned up...800,000 people proved it..You were wrong homey.
"Split the service and they won't leave"...HA! What a maroon!
But the big cheese figures, he has the last laugh, "I'll agree to admit I was wrong", he says... but does he lower the price?
Asshole figures he wins out by keeping the service as one, streaming and DVD, but still got to raise the fees...Still lost 800,000 customers dingus!
Only reason I'm still on it is because Amazon charges you a yearly fee, and then a rental fee to stream or obtain the DVDs how fucked is that?) and Blockbuster doesn't play on a Roku box..bastards..
Still there are other alternatives, and as soon as I find one that has as big a library as Netflix...unless they get their act together, I might be 800,001.

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