Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Zombified work settings....

So, what do you do when you're at work and you're bored out of your skull?
You can only surf the net so much, ya know.

I have literally fallen asleep....TWICE! I've run out of material to read!
This is ridicules. I've had security guard jobs that were more exciting.

I don't know, maybe its just me...maybe I've reached that point in my life
where I need something more. I'm not talking about a mid-life crisis...haha
I'm not ready to go out and trade the Wolfie mobile in for a little red sports
car...and I'm already married to a blond, so that's out.
I don't know...It's me. I used to write, alot. A friend of mine and I used
to write short stories like crazy...we'd sit in a room and blast out story
after story...subject didn't matter, we were writing.

Then he moved away...

And slowly, I developed writers block...25 years of writers block...It has been terrible.
I used to write poetry, short stories, even worked on a play...but all of
it is gone..
It shows up every now and then...but vague,ambiguous..never making itself known.
I'm talking about my muse. Ali writers have one...so they say. Mine took a 25 year
One day I'll find it...Who knows, it might show up just when I least expect it and really need it...
right now, I think I need it.

I'm dying here. I feel stunted...sucked into a void..a sea of endless cubes, heads popping up and down, like prairie dogs, eye's searching faces, everyone wanting to say
"hey, sit and talk abit...PLEASE!" but no one dares...they just stare...
and I look out into the night....waiting to take flight...at least for a time..
then the day comes and I have to start all over again...
the cycle never ends...

I have to get out of this place...before it makes me loonier
than I already am...


Annie said...

Dude! You just lost a *child*. I say you're still in the process of grieving. Give yourself a chance to recover. Don't make any sudden movements.

Eating sugar always puts me to sleep. You need a little inspiration or coffee or inspirational notes on coffee cups? Starbucks does that now.

Hang in there. Keep blogging.

Wolfies Rants said...

Sorry babe, but I believe my job is the most uninspiring place on earth...I fell asleep for 10 minutes...and no one knew about it!

Jonzz said...

25 years of writer block? Maybe you need new sources of inspiration and new grounds to write on.

LOL, human heads bobbing like prairie dogs. That's a good one.

You've still got it. Maybe what you need to do is start with something no matter how crappy the idea is.

Wolfies Rants said...

working on that as we speak, Jonz..

Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda...Says who?

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