Saturday, June 09, 2007

Well,I guess I'll take a poke at Pooh's meme..(Somehow that does't sound right...)and where Annie did Three, I'll do four...

*Where is your cell phone? On the end table.
*Relationship? In for the term
*Your hair? Short, Dark and curly
*Work? Tedious, boring annoyingly frustrating
*Your sister? Thief, liar schemer schmuck.
*Your favorite thing? long uninterrupted lazy days
*Your dream last night? I don't dream anymore.
*Your favorite drink? Lipton's Green Iced Tea
*Your dream car? blue/white 57 Chevy
* The room you’re in? my big airy den
* Your shoes? Lugz Boots various ones
* Your fears? not death, not anymore
* What do you want to be in 10 years? here, in my home
* Who did you hang out with this weekend? Wife,dogs and TV
* What you’re not good at? Money,Math,saying goodbye
* Muffin? Banana nut and Oatmeal
* One of your wish list items? To meet one friend
* Where you grew up? East Los Angeles, projects
* The last thing you did? list Comics in database
* What are you wearing? Shorts,shirt,skin, hair
* What aren’t you wearing? shoes, socks, a smile
* Your pet? two dog, unsociable fish
* Your computer? link to my friends
* Your life? Its here for now
* Your mood? comfortably numb and sleepy
* Missing? dreams, I used to
* What are you thinking about right now? sleep, is it there?
* Your car? my fortress of solitude
* Your kitchen? it's not mine,really
* Your summer? no different, I'm working
* Your favorite color? twilight blue-black dawn
* When is the last time you laughed? earlier today I think
* Last time you cried? four years ago, may
* School? not some fondly remembered
* Love? A dream I had


Annie said...


Your sister sounds like my sister! Maybe we're related! I'm almost positive we found my sister on our doorstep and adopted her.

Jonzz said...

Wow, 4 word tag. Hmm.. hats off to you.

Your car is your fortress of solitude? How Superman-ish! HA HA

Wolfies Rants said...

Annie, Jury's still out..

Jonzz, The car is the mans last refuge...only place he can truly be himself...that and my comic room..;)

Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda...Says who?

     So, I watch this program on NBC called "American Ninja Warrior" its a fun show that showcases agility, fitness, at...