With all the movies that Holly-weird makes, about Alien beings coming down
to wipe us out of the solar system, Zombie apocalysis's and what not. You'd think with so much worry about being wiped out as a species, Mankind would have
a bit more care for the other beings that share this big ass blue marble...
I read on another blogger's page, that the last Javan Rhino may have been
slaughtered for its horn...for it's horn? REALLY! Come you fuckers, have you not heard of Viagra? Is that the only way you can get the yang up?
I mean damn, get a real job. And before you say, "oh well you know in some parts, this is the only way they can feed their families..." Bullshit, ever hear of farming?
And it's not only the Poachers? Its the sick bastards that pay for it too! Medical research my ass. Since when was it necessary to wipe out an entire species? We rage out against genocides on a daily basis..Raise the red flag every time some dumb ass senator's state squirrel is in danger of losing its park, why can't we save an animal that has been around longer than we have? Why not just say so and so's little muffin has been found to cure dumb ass-itis and let's see how fast they launch a protection order against shooting the Bischon-Frise'
I know these are other countries, and they have different cultures and such, but come on people..FOR A FREAKING HORN?
Killing and animal for food..to survive, I can understand, but to slaughter something needlessly, is stupid.
How would you like it, if someone came down and said, "hey little earth dude, on my planet, your toenails cure butt-rash..." and there we find your little dumb poacher ass,
dead, without toe's....
Would suck, wouldn't it?
Think about it.
Thanks to Wayne at the blog :My World and welcome to it for the following link:
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Guess we survived...DAMN, No zombies!
Well hell, Harold..Guess you were wrong again...Hey can't be right all the time, bubkey..well in your case, yes, you can't be right all the time.
Come on people, the man is 9,000 years old...He's Freaking Methuselah, for fucks sake! Without the freaking wisdom that age is supposed to bring..just the senility.
Wonder how many gathered for his little fireside apocalyptic chat, this time? hmm?
Laters Harry...
Now on to lighter news..
Netflix owned up...800,000 people proved it..You were wrong homey.
"Split the service and they won't leave"...HA! What a maroon!
But the big cheese figures, he has the last laugh, "I'll agree to admit I was wrong", he says... but does he lower the price?
Asshole figures he wins out by keeping the service as one, streaming and DVD, but still got to raise the fees...Still lost 800,000 customers dingus!
Only reason I'm still on it is because Amazon charges you a yearly fee, and then a rental fee to stream or obtain the DVDs how fucked is that?) and Blockbuster doesn't play on a Roku box..bastards..
Still there are other alternatives, and as soon as I find one that has as big a library as Netflix...unless they get their act together, I might be 800,001.
Come on people, the man is 9,000 years old...He's Freaking Methuselah, for fucks sake! Without the freaking wisdom that age is supposed to bring..just the senility.
Wonder how many gathered for his little fireside apocalyptic chat, this time? hmm?
Laters Harry...
Now on to lighter news..
Netflix owned up...800,000 people proved it..You were wrong homey.
"Split the service and they won't leave"...HA! What a maroon!
But the big cheese figures, he has the last laugh, "I'll agree to admit I was wrong", he says... but does he lower the price?
Asshole figures he wins out by keeping the service as one, streaming and DVD, but still got to raise the fees...Still lost 800,000 customers dingus!
Only reason I'm still on it is because Amazon charges you a yearly fee, and then a rental fee to stream or obtain the DVDs how fucked is that?) and Blockbuster doesn't play on a Roku box..bastards..
Still there are other alternatives, and as soon as I find one that has as big a library as Netflix...unless they get their act together, I might be 800,001.
Friday, October 21, 2011
World is ending Friday, Again...
And here we go again..Round two of Harold Camping and the Family Radio Happy hour players!
Dude...You're 90, The world is ending for your every fucking day! Deal with it!
I mean, seriously, you may have had something relevant to say, back when you didn't need to strain your food, but come on grandpa..LET IT GOOOOO!
This guy had millions of sheep, and I call you sheep, because real people who claim to read and honestly follow that book of theirs, would not follow a false profit who is blatenently in this scheme for profit!
Plain and simple, folks, its a money ploy. He did it, Roberts did it, when was claiming he was going to be "taken home, if he didn't get a Million dollars". And instead of telling his ass, "Fuck it! Laters Oral, go home!" but NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
You gave it to him..not once..BUT TWICE!
People, there is a word for these freaks..
Dude...You're 90, The world is ending for your every fucking day! Deal with it!
I mean, seriously, you may have had something relevant to say, back when you didn't need to strain your food, but come on grandpa..LET IT GOOOOO!
This guy had millions of sheep, and I call you sheep, because real people who claim to read and honestly follow that book of theirs, would not follow a false profit who is blatenently in this scheme for profit!
Plain and simple, folks, its a money ploy. He did it, Roberts did it, when was claiming he was going to be "taken home, if he didn't get a Million dollars". And instead of telling his ass, "Fuck it! Laters Oral, go home!" but NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
You gave it to him..not once..BUT TWICE!
People, there is a word for these freaks..
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Boo! Stop me if you heard this..
So, one day, long ago, ( and we're talking long here..seeing as I've already reached the
half century mark..), there was this nice old lady that used to make dresses. Well she up and died. Yeah, shame, I know. Not the point, thing is, me and my "ever-always up to anything that could get us into the most trouble" friends, had gotten it into our minds that being she had died in the home, it had to be most certainly haunted! Hey, what'd you expect, logic? We were nine.
Any who, it wasn't so much that she had passed away..wasn't so much that she had chosen our neighborhood to live out her last days...WE HAD A HAUNTED HOUSE!
Yeah buddy, we were going to be cool! Talk of the school yard.
There was only one thing..We had to get PROOF!
Say What?!
Yup..Proof was needed..Can't be cool on your say so alone, ya know. needed something from the Ghost House (as it was now known).
That meant one, if not all of us would have to go into that house and bring out something, to show we'd been there. Something from her room!
Hey, nobody said nothing about going into the old bats dead room!
Well, nobody, but Raymond. And he was on our side! The big dumb ass.
Now all the kids wanted us to go into the house and come out with something.
See, the house still had things in it..left behind things..and it had to be done at night
Shit, this was getting worse all the time. Well, not wanting to be called chicken, or worse, Liars. Ruben, Alex, Gabriel, Raymond(dumb ass, this was his fault..) and Gary and Kevin., and we were going for PROOF!
and it was going to be during the day..
Hey, we were nine, ya know.
So, we find a way in..and we were scared..hell, it was dark in there, and it didn't help
with Raymond making "Oooooo" sounds..(did I mention he was a dumb ass?).
The six of us made our way through the house, to the stairs and up to the second story. Now, it was September, which in California, is still pretty damn warm. So why was it so freaking cold in that house? And it was daylight. How come it was so dark in here? And why was that dumb ass still making those damn "Oooooo" noise, dammit!
Then the wind picked up! What the hell, NOW?! Really?
So up the creaky steps we go..yeah they were creaky, finally reaching the landing, and wouldn't you know it, her room was the only one with the closed door. How did we know this, you ask?
Could ya get anymore creepier!
Don't people ever clean up after the dead, jeez!
Well there we were, standing outside the door, of the haunted room..A myriad of Spirits, Ghouls, Demons and the like were sure to be on waiting for us on the other side.
There was only one sure way to proceed....
Raymond was going first.
After all, it was his big mouth that got us here in the first place. He kept up with the "Ooooo" sounds..and there were five of us that were in agreement to his one.
Numbers..they count for something.
Pushing Raymond from the middle of the pack to the front, we egged him on to open the door..that and the stern promise that we would tell every girl we knew that he had wet his pants and never went up the stairs..and being the ladies man that he thought himself to be, he could not stand to let that happen. So he did it.
The room was a mess. There were still clothes strewn about, papers, a shoe...and dumb ass was opening the door for dramatic effect. Like he would now what the hell that was..SHEESH!
So we're peering into this room, dusky light is streaming in thru the milky white curtains, when Raymond opens the door fully. Only to reveal a figure, draped in white, standing in the corner! REACHING OUT TO US!
It was Her, and she was coming to get us and take us back to the grave! Or so that's what Raymond was screaming, as he just about knocked the shit out of the rest of us on his way out of the room and down the stairs. The rest of us not too far behind.
As we cleared the unboarded window, we had used to get in, we scattered in different directions, mostly in part because we were scarred half out of our wits, but also because the housing authority had shown up, and none of us wanted to get caught.
Meeting up later at Alex's house, all the tales of false bravado spilling about like so much OJ. Kevin had realized that in all our excitement and rush to get the hell out of there, we forgot to grab a keepsake to prove our "bravery".
Well HELL.
Until someone says, "Guys?..I got this"...
and we turn to see Alex standing there with one single red ladies high heel shoe.
In the mad rush to get out, Alex was the last one out, but thought quick enough to grab the one thing he had fallen one.
In passing, years later, I remember my mother saying the woman was a seamstress, and being such, had dressmaker's dummies. Looking back, I could just make out that free standing dummy, wrapped in the white shift curtains, as they blew with the wind from the broken window.
But in this nine year old's imagination, it was a ghost, in a haunted house..and the six of us braved the unknown that day in September for that red trophy.
Yeah, we were heroes...just for one day.
half century mark..), there was this nice old lady that used to make dresses. Well she up and died. Yeah, shame, I know. Not the point, thing is, me and my "ever-always up to anything that could get us into the most trouble" friends, had gotten it into our minds that being she had died in the home, it had to be most certainly haunted! Hey, what'd you expect, logic? We were nine.
Any who, it wasn't so much that she had passed away..wasn't so much that she had chosen our neighborhood to live out her last days...WE HAD A HAUNTED HOUSE!
Yeah buddy, we were going to be cool! Talk of the school yard.
There was only one thing..We had to get PROOF!
Say What?!
Yup..Proof was needed..Can't be cool on your say so alone, ya know. needed something from the Ghost House (as it was now known).
That meant one, if not all of us would have to go into that house and bring out something, to show we'd been there. Something from her room!
Hey, nobody said nothing about going into the old bats dead room!
Well, nobody, but Raymond. And he was on our side! The big dumb ass.
Now all the kids wanted us to go into the house and come out with something.
See, the house still had things in it..left behind things..and it had to be done at night
Shit, this was getting worse all the time. Well, not wanting to be called chicken, or worse, Liars. Ruben, Alex, Gabriel, Raymond(dumb ass, this was his fault..) and Gary and Kevin., and we were going for PROOF!
and it was going to be during the day..
Hey, we were nine, ya know.
So, we find a way in..and we were scared..hell, it was dark in there, and it didn't help
with Raymond making "Oooooo" sounds..(did I mention he was a dumb ass?).
The six of us made our way through the house, to the stairs and up to the second story. Now, it was September, which in California, is still pretty damn warm. So why was it so freaking cold in that house? And it was daylight. How come it was so dark in here? And why was that dumb ass still making those damn "Oooooo" noise, dammit!
Then the wind picked up! What the hell, NOW?! Really?
So up the creaky steps we go..yeah they were creaky, finally reaching the landing, and wouldn't you know it, her room was the only one with the closed door. How did we know this, you ask?
Could ya get anymore creepier!
Don't people ever clean up after the dead, jeez!
Well there we were, standing outside the door, of the haunted room..A myriad of Spirits, Ghouls, Demons and the like were sure to be on waiting for us on the other side.
There was only one sure way to proceed....
Raymond was going first.
After all, it was his big mouth that got us here in the first place. He kept up with the "Ooooo" sounds..and there were five of us that were in agreement to his one.
Numbers..they count for something.
Pushing Raymond from the middle of the pack to the front, we egged him on to open the door..that and the stern promise that we would tell every girl we knew that he had wet his pants and never went up the stairs..and being the ladies man that he thought himself to be, he could not stand to let that happen. So he did it.
The room was a mess. There were still clothes strewn about, papers, a shoe...and dumb ass was opening the door for dramatic effect. Like he would now what the hell that was..SHEESH!
So we're peering into this room, dusky light is streaming in thru the milky white curtains, when Raymond opens the door fully. Only to reveal a figure, draped in white, standing in the corner! REACHING OUT TO US!
It was Her, and she was coming to get us and take us back to the grave! Or so that's what Raymond was screaming, as he just about knocked the shit out of the rest of us on his way out of the room and down the stairs. The rest of us not too far behind.
As we cleared the unboarded window, we had used to get in, we scattered in different directions, mostly in part because we were scarred half out of our wits, but also because the housing authority had shown up, and none of us wanted to get caught.
Meeting up later at Alex's house, all the tales of false bravado spilling about like so much OJ. Kevin had realized that in all our excitement and rush to get the hell out of there, we forgot to grab a keepsake to prove our "bravery".
Well HELL.
Until someone says, "Guys?..I got this"...
and we turn to see Alex standing there with one single red ladies high heel shoe.
In the mad rush to get out, Alex was the last one out, but thought quick enough to grab the one thing he had fallen one.
In passing, years later, I remember my mother saying the woman was a seamstress, and being such, had dressmaker's dummies. Looking back, I could just make out that free standing dummy, wrapped in the white shift curtains, as they blew with the wind from the broken window.
But in this nine year old's imagination, it was a ghost, in a haunted house..and the six of us braved the unknown that day in September for that red trophy.
Yeah, we were heroes...just for one day.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Through the Hoops..Circle of life my a...
So, ever since that damn animated movie came out, the mouse company has
everyone thinking that the so-called "Circle of Life" is this wondrous, ever changing
thing that happens and is a glorious change..
OK, right..if you're a butterfly, maybe. I mean that Caterpillar to winged beauty is
something, but for the most part, its skinned knees, the weirdness of adolescence,
and the ever changing insanity of adulthood.
There is no "Circle".
There are a never ending series of hoops you have to jump through just to make it
in life.
Actually, I'd call it a "Square".
Go Straight..Turn left! Childhood..Turn left! Teen-ager...Turn left! Adult...Turn
left! Senior citizen..hell I'm back where I started!
Nothing smooth about that one.
The simplest of these was childhood..really. All you had to worry about was breakfast
lunch and dinner, what you were getting for your birthday and Christmas.
Unless your parents were total dicks, or you were that angst ridden dipstick
from "The Wonder Years" , then life was a breeze.
It's when you started to sprout, that the shit hit the fan.
I know, not all of you had a crappy teen age life..but we aren't all perfect teens living
in Small-ville..Shit happens, and you deal. Well at least I dealt.
Adulthood has not been all that rosy either. Relationships, family, friends..its all
a pain at times.. You work hard to maintain them all..and hope to freaking hell
you got it right!
Jobs..please, don't get me started. Can you say "Clicks?"
It's like high school all over again...Complete with the "in-crowds"
I'm kinda waiting to turn left again...waiting to see whats down that road...
What hoop I'll have to jump through next?
everyone thinking that the so-called "Circle of Life" is this wondrous, ever changing
thing that happens and is a glorious change..
OK, right..if you're a butterfly, maybe. I mean that Caterpillar to winged beauty is
something, but for the most part, its skinned knees, the weirdness of adolescence,
and the ever changing insanity of adulthood.
There is no "Circle".
There are a never ending series of hoops you have to jump through just to make it
in life.
Actually, I'd call it a "Square".
Go Straight..Turn left! Childhood..Turn left! Teen-ager...Turn left! Adult...Turn
left! Senior citizen..hell I'm back where I started!
Nothing smooth about that one.
The simplest of these was childhood..really. All you had to worry about was breakfast
lunch and dinner, what you were getting for your birthday and Christmas.
Unless your parents were total dicks, or you were that angst ridden dipstick
from "The Wonder Years" , then life was a breeze.
It's when you started to sprout, that the shit hit the fan.
I know, not all of you had a crappy teen age life..but we aren't all perfect teens living
in Small-ville..Shit happens, and you deal. Well at least I dealt.
Adulthood has not been all that rosy either. Relationships, family, friends..its all
a pain at times.. You work hard to maintain them all..and hope to freaking hell
you got it right!
Jobs..please, don't get me started. Can you say "Clicks?"
It's like high school all over again...Complete with the "in-crowds"
I'm kinda waiting to turn left again...waiting to see whats down that road...
What hoop I'll have to jump through next?
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
Night Owls and Wayward Pooches
So, there I was, driving home from work last night. Remembered that I had to drop off my DVD rental in the post box. I pull into the Post Office driveway, no one around, I mean who's going to be there, its almost 1:30 in the freaking morning, right..well I'm there, but that's just me, and I have a bad habit of putting things off til the last minute because I procrastinate. Then again, that's just me..
Back to the subject. So, my Post Office has this wrap around driveway that leads to the drop off post boxes, pull right up and dump off your mail without getting out of the car. Talk about convenience. Well I pull up to the post box, and I'm ready to send off my Netflix DVD (that's something for another day..ugh!) and sitting right there on the box is this Owl! I almost hit the damn thing! It was just chilling out enjoying the night air, no bigger than a pigeon. Scared the bejuzzus out of me..HA HA! Really, who expects to see wildlife sitting on the post box?
Since moving to Arizona, I've come in contact with nature many times..I've had a Road Runner race my car. Seen a Coyote in the cotton fields across from my housing area.
Saw four Vultures light in the fields across the way from the airport down the way from my home. Been buzzed by a Hawk while walking my dog ( she was none too happy about that, I'll have you know..). Been visited by lizards more times than I can count
and one night something, don't know what the hell it was, but it was big, flew from the top of my air conditioning unit and off into the night! Still trying to figure what that was.
Have yet to have a run in with the standard denizens, Scorpions and snakes..though the exterminator did find a very large and, to use his words, "ballsy" Wolf spider, in my back yard when he came out to spray..said he actually had to kill it the old fashioned way...he stepped on it! Hey whatever works.
I mean last night after the Owl run in, I also ran into two stray Pit bulls..who looked so lost, no collars, and were not the vicious, snarling brutes the media likes to portray them as, they were just two lost puppies..who got out of their back yard..
I stopped the truck, rolled down the window, and said "Go home babies..what are you doing out? go on, go home"..
They sat there next to my door, looking at me as if to say, "oh, OK..sorry, just out taking the night air..bye". and off they went..
I did the responsible thing and contacted the authorities. I mean last thing I needed to hear was that two dogs got shot because someone woke and freaked out because he saw them when he was going out to his car..ya know? I wouldn't be able to look my Dottie Ann in the face if that happened..and in Goodyear, the Animal control will not come out late at night..Sissy's.
So that's the AZ..strange, wondrous, and in all its wild glory..yeah, I know..but hey, what do you want..
Back to the subject. So, my Post Office has this wrap around driveway that leads to the drop off post boxes, pull right up and dump off your mail without getting out of the car. Talk about convenience. Well I pull up to the post box, and I'm ready to send off my Netflix DVD (that's something for another day..ugh!) and sitting right there on the box is this Owl! I almost hit the damn thing! It was just chilling out enjoying the night air, no bigger than a pigeon. Scared the bejuzzus out of me..HA HA! Really, who expects to see wildlife sitting on the post box?
Since moving to Arizona, I've come in contact with nature many times..I've had a Road Runner race my car. Seen a Coyote in the cotton fields across from my housing area.
Saw four Vultures light in the fields across the way from the airport down the way from my home. Been buzzed by a Hawk while walking my dog ( she was none too happy about that, I'll have you know..). Been visited by lizards more times than I can count
and one night something, don't know what the hell it was, but it was big, flew from the top of my air conditioning unit and off into the night! Still trying to figure what that was.
Have yet to have a run in with the standard denizens, Scorpions and snakes..though the exterminator did find a very large and, to use his words, "ballsy" Wolf spider, in my back yard when he came out to spray..said he actually had to kill it the old fashioned way...he stepped on it! Hey whatever works.
I mean last night after the Owl run in, I also ran into two stray Pit bulls..who looked so lost, no collars, and were not the vicious, snarling brutes the media likes to portray them as, they were just two lost puppies..who got out of their back yard..
I stopped the truck, rolled down the window, and said "Go home babies..what are you doing out? go on, go home"..
They sat there next to my door, looking at me as if to say, "oh, OK..sorry, just out taking the night air..bye". and off they went..
I did the responsible thing and contacted the authorities. I mean last thing I needed to hear was that two dogs got shot because someone woke and freaked out because he saw them when he was going out to his car..ya know? I wouldn't be able to look my Dottie Ann in the face if that happened..and in Goodyear, the Animal control will not come out late at night..Sissy's.
So that's the AZ..strange, wondrous, and in all its wild glory..yeah, I know..but hey, what do you want..
Tuesday, October 04, 2011
Hi folks..Me again. Changed the digs, ya know, slapped on a coat of paint. New carpet, blinds, the whole nine yards. How do ya like it? Dottie thinks its nice..likes the view.
Well not a whole hell of a lot to talk about today. Guy I share a desk with can't seem to remember to log off the freaking computer when he leaves at the end of the day. Nothing like coming into work, sitting down and finding that you have to shut the damn thing down just to start up..peachy.
Well not a whole hell of a lot to talk about today. Guy I share a desk with can't seem to remember to log off the freaking computer when he leaves at the end of the day. Nothing like coming into work, sitting down and finding that you have to shut the damn thing down just to start up..peachy.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Life in changing perspectives
I have come to a conclusion, and OK, may not be original but it is to me, that life happens. My life, your life, everyones freaking life..(yeah, folks, I'm going to try and get through this one with minimal cussing, so shut the fuck up and pay attention..). You see, I had what I guess you could call an Epiphany. I figured, that I was tired. Tired of being angry. Tired of being angry at myself, tired of being angry at things I had no control over.
Just damn tired.
I mean Shit happens! In life, at work, at home..
So I decided to do what a new friend of mine told me I should be doing a lot more of...Smiling. I decided to smile more. and laugh. and just say "Fuck it" (OK I know I said I wasn't going to cuss so much..but then again, its my damn blog, and it wouldn't be me, if I didn't..so there, n'yah!)..
As I was saying, there are just too many things in this world that you can't change. too many assholes that try to ruin your day, I know, I deal with a lot of them, daily! And if you let them rain on your parade, the only thing that's going to happen, is you're going to go thru life soaked.
My Wife and I have patched things up, we are working on things, and no it's not perfect, but what the hell in life is? There are ups and downs, period. So we deal. 'Nuff said.
At work, well, what do you want it's work. you a have shit day, you deal with it and you move on. Now I'm putting in for a promotion, a new position..If I get it, cool beans, means more work, but hey, its off the grind of dealing with the public, so YEAH ME! If I don't well, Fuck it, life goes on.
Do I piss and moan? Maybe, I'm human, but I'm not going to let it hold me back, can't. Like I said, Shit happens.
Cross that bridge and all..
Life is what you make of it. Step of the curb, get hit by a bus. In the same respect, walk into the market, win the lotto! It's a crap shoot. You smile and move on.
So here's to smiling and moving on..with life, with work, with everything...
I have come to a conclusion, and OK, may not be original but it is to me, that life happens. My life, your life, everyones freaking life..(yeah, folks, I'm going to try and get through this one with minimal cussing, so shut the fuck up and pay attention..). You see, I had what I guess you could call an Epiphany. I figured, that I was tired. Tired of being angry. Tired of being angry at myself, tired of being angry at things I had no control over.
Just damn tired.
I mean Shit happens! In life, at work, at home..
So I decided to do what a new friend of mine told me I should be doing a lot more of...Smiling. I decided to smile more. and laugh. and just say "Fuck it" (OK I know I said I wasn't going to cuss so much..but then again, its my damn blog, and it wouldn't be me, if I didn't..so there, n'yah!)..
As I was saying, there are just too many things in this world that you can't change. too many assholes that try to ruin your day, I know, I deal with a lot of them, daily! And if you let them rain on your parade, the only thing that's going to happen, is you're going to go thru life soaked.
My Wife and I have patched things up, we are working on things, and no it's not perfect, but what the hell in life is? There are ups and downs, period. So we deal. 'Nuff said.
At work, well, what do you want it's work. you a have shit day, you deal with it and you move on. Now I'm putting in for a promotion, a new position..If I get it, cool beans, means more work, but hey, its off the grind of dealing with the public, so YEAH ME! If I don't well, Fuck it, life goes on.
Do I piss and moan? Maybe, I'm human, but I'm not going to let it hold me back, can't. Like I said, Shit happens.
Cross that bridge and all..
Life is what you make of it. Step of the curb, get hit by a bus. In the same respect, walk into the market, win the lotto! It's a crap shoot. You smile and move on.
So here's to smiling and moving on..with life, with work, with everything...
Thursday, September 29, 2011
OK, So I've been a little behind..
So..how's everyone doing..yeah I'm back...been away, but always around.
Still working on the story. Need to finish that thing, (Gods I need to finish that thing!)
So what have I been up to??? Like people care. I mean, those that read my blog, have blocked me from theirs, and those that used to come around and visit often, said
"Well, he's not here anymore so who cares".
Well, in all actuality, I care. I really do, or else I wouldn't be here now. So tell you what, to anyone who takes the time to peruse my blog, I will make the concentrated to write something remotely interesting.
So welcome back to me..I'm not going to begin to get into where I've been..but I'm back, and that's all that counts.
Still working on the story. Need to finish that thing, (Gods I need to finish that thing!)
So what have I been up to??? Like people care. I mean, those that read my blog, have blocked me from theirs, and those that used to come around and visit often, said
"Well, he's not here anymore so who cares".
Well, in all actuality, I care. I really do, or else I wouldn't be here now. So tell you what, to anyone who takes the time to peruse my blog, I will make the concentrated to write something remotely interesting.
So welcome back to me..I'm not going to begin to get into where I've been..but I'm back, and that's all that counts.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Facebook, I have ended my relationship with you..why? Well, for starters, you have allowed, not once, not twice, but on three, THREE! different occasions, the hacking of my email accounts from your so-called "secure" site.
Not only did I receive spam, but my wife, my friends and co-workers, received embarrassing spam, that was being sent out via an email address that I had closed some time earlier this year, and yes, maybe looking back I should have had the foresight to go in and remove that address from my FB account, but I didn't, and wham! It not only gets hacked, it gets used as a proxy account for every Tom, Dickhead and Lame-O that has nothing better to do than lambaste people with useless crap.
If this was one time, I could see saying, "hey, it happens..screw it", and move on..But no, this is the third time..Damn people, do you not see what is going on?
Every one I have spoken to, has left FB for the same damn reason. Hello, can you say MYSPACE?
I don't care who the hell runs it, the dumb bastard doesn't care about the people using it, if he did, he would put more money into the security, instead of worrying about how much he can make off "Single women in Phoenix who are waiting for your call" and the like..But I guess the adverts pay the bills..or more like, line his pockets.
Asta FB..it's been real, and for a time, it was real fun..
Emphasis on the WAS.
Facebook, I have ended my relationship with you..why? Well, for starters, you have allowed, not once, not twice, but on three, THREE! different occasions, the hacking of my email accounts from your so-called "secure" site.
Not only did I receive spam, but my wife, my friends and co-workers, received embarrassing spam, that was being sent out via an email address that I had closed some time earlier this year, and yes, maybe looking back I should have had the foresight to go in and remove that address from my FB account, but I didn't, and wham! It not only gets hacked, it gets used as a proxy account for every Tom, Dickhead and Lame-O that has nothing better to do than lambaste people with useless crap.
If this was one time, I could see saying, "hey, it happens..screw it", and move on..But no, this is the third time..Damn people, do you not see what is going on?
Every one I have spoken to, has left FB for the same damn reason. Hello, can you say MYSPACE?
I don't care who the hell runs it, the dumb bastard doesn't care about the people using it, if he did, he would put more money into the security, instead of worrying about how much he can make off "Single women in Phoenix who are waiting for your call" and the like..But I guess the adverts pay the bills..or more like, line his pockets.
Asta FB..it's been real, and for a time, it was real fun..
Emphasis on the WAS.
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