Sunday, July 23, 2006

Well DAMN! Friday's come and gone, and I'm still gainfully employed....Them assholes can't do nothing right!

See, its like this. The way my job goes, if you make waves, go against the grain, or question anything that is even remotely WRONG! You are labeled a trouble maker.
Have a question as to why the company is not paying a cancer patients chemo treatments...When said patient is fully covered? You are a trouble maker.

Catch some discrepancy in the way a claim was not paid....You are a trouble maker.

Find out that a certain manager, who just happens to be the Call center's Supervisor's number one BUTT-BOY, has been having his people transfer calls BACK into the Que because its affecting HIS Stats for the week, and you bring this to light only because your personal stats are going down due to the high call volume you have been handling and time spent handling said calls....YOU ARE A TROUBLE MAKER!

YES Children...Wolfie don't take no bullshit from anyone...So for his troubles, he gets the shit-end of the stick..Transfer out of his department, to a spot where he's treated like a red-headed step-child...Watched and treated like a "newbie" even though he's been there in this damn job for a year and a half...
placed with a boss that would much rather see him somewhere else.

So, they want me out...Fine, FIRE ME! Cause I ain't quitting till I find something better...


Annie said...

and the government wonders why unemployment rate is so high. It's less stress to stand in line at the unemployment office and collect a check every month. Super glad to hear you're alive and working Wolfie. Pheew.

Wolfies Rants said...

thanks darlin'...
Now do something about this damn heat!

Annie said...

No kidding. I'm flying into So.Cal next weekend to visit my brother and he says it's 108 degrees. ACK!

Good to know you're still kicking. Now if we could just install one of those window air conditioners in the back of my truck, I'd be a happy blogger :D

savante said...

Work. Sigh! Don't you just wish we were all as rich as Paris Hilton and could just live off daddy's cash?


Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda...Says who?

     So, I watch this program on NBC called "American Ninja Warrior" its a fun show that showcases agility, fitness, at...