Since my last post, my life has literally been flipped and flopped through the preverbial wringer...
Bear with goes:
Aug. 28th, 12:30 pm Tuesday:
I was at work...Atypcle day, customers were customers, bosses were bossess, same old shit. I went to lunch, went out to the courtyard, to use the cellphone to talk to my wife, grabed a bite, and came back to the cube. When I got back to the cubicle, I started shaking...I mean stuck in a snow storm kinda freezing, type shaking.
Asked a co-worker to feel my hand, see how cold I was...she said "You're not freezing, your burning up".
This continued till I went home, at Six pm.
Went home, wife said I had a temp of 100 degrees and climbing...she thought it was the heat, so off to the showers I went. One Cold shower later, I was feeling better. Went to bed. All was well.
Aug. 29th. 4:30 am Wednesday: Woke up for work...Shaking like the ol' leaf on the tree. Wife said that she could feel the heat "Radiating off of me". Called in to my job, tolled them she was taking me to the E.R. and off I went.
Went to the E.R. Was admitted, where they took blood, urine and hooked me up to an IV and noticed that my Blood Pressure was very low, and dropping. The wolf, it seemed...was going into shock.
The weird thing about it, I was concious the whole time. A bit dizzy, but concious.
Seven hours later, they finaly got me stabalized. BP started going up ( if it didn't , they were talking about puting me in intensive care), and they moved me to my room.
Needless to say...Wolfie has spent the last seven days as a guest of the Arcadia Methodist Community Hospital.
I've been poked, stuck, jabbed, tested, and given the indignity of a prostate exam, by a female doctor! I'm telling ain't fun...
Well, they tell me that if I didn't come in to the E.R. when I did, it would have been nite, nite Wolfie...
so here I am, at home...Still have an I.V. in my hand..have two more days of infusion therapy left...Then I'll be okie dokes!
That makes four Times the reaper came calling for the Wolf....Just ain't my time...
Holy Moly Wolfie - you've been in the hospital this whole time and you didn't even BLOG while you were there. I tell ya, the nerve of hospitals for not having wireless internet access and computers for their patients. It's barbaric! That truly sucks Wolfie. I hate hospital beds and the food. You must have been miserable. Good thing you have a common sense wife to take you to the ER in the first place. Glad to know you're back and feeling good. :)
Actually, the food at this particular establishment wasn't that bad..I was impressed.
And I was treated very well.
Yeah, the wife was quick to act. I still have an IV hooked up, but thats only for a few days.
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