Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Ok folks...Time for pictures...

first off: These are Gobu's twins-
Now you have to look very closely, but just off
from Bugley's head, ther is this gold fleck above the
rock..That's Bob!

<------ chuck is in the Foreground..between the marbles.. <-------- They like hanging with Bugley. Next up, a Picture of my boys...forgive me but it was 5:30 am and they were eating their carrots.. They look like the little devils they are, I know..but they're really sweethearts....
Bruno is in front, and Bear is behind. Bruno is a 134 pound German Shepard/Chow mix..he thinks he's a puppy....a six year old puppy!
Bear is a German shepard/Golden retriever mix...he's just spoiled...These are my boys...

Well, seeing as this is "learn about Wolfie, day" This is also a little of what I do in my spare time.....

I make War Club reproductions...mostly out of Buffalo Jawbones, but this one ^ is my first Stone War Club...
Kinda proud of that one. I also do bead work ...its relaxing...Though these are reproductions, they are fully functional...I do get in touch with my native american roots...


Annie said...

he he.. I almost thought you were going to say you made the floral pillow.. *watch Anniie run.. fast*.. phew. ok, weapons are cool for a guy. Good thing. Very nice work. I couldn't see the flecks of Bob or Chuck, I even cleaned my monitor, but :( no dice or rather no fish. They have to get bigger me thinks. I'll just have to trust you on that one. If your wife sees them, then I might be inclined to believe ya. Dogs are great companions. I had a black lab/chow chow mix. He was lovable. BIG dog though and your boys are too.

Annie said...

You're Native American? I thought you were half-wolf? Ah, online people, always confusing me.

Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda...Says who?

     So, I watch this program on NBC called "American Ninja Warrior" its a fun show that showcases agility, fitness, at...