Sunday, August 06, 2006

I stand here....(not really, ok, well I'm actually sitting, geeze!), on the eve of what may be the very last day of my employment. See I have been on Administrative blah blah blah...And another occurrence can put me out of work . Well, Friday, I woke up with an inflamed left leg.
It was swollen, red and it freaking hurt! So the wife decided that Wolfie was going to the doc's..NO QUESTIONS ASKED!

Trust me, You don't argue with the wife....

So, off to the Doctors I go...And its a calling into work, I did....And well the doc says I have Edema..Whoopee!

So he gives me something for that...And something for the pain and swelling..And sends me home, with a note.
Now, we all remember the LAST time he sent me out with a note...Yeah, that's right, DID A WHOLE HELLA NOTHIN!

So...I'm going to work tomorrow...With no misconceptions about what will happen. If they do, they do. So be it. At least it will save wear and tear on my car..If they don't...Well, at least I'll be safe till Wednesday.

I have another appointment then...hahahahah!


Annie said...

Good grief Wolfie! You're falling apart body part by body part! It's the State of California. I felt better myself the day I left that State. Something with the smog and lack of trees. That's what it was and people with sticks up their asses. Well, don't volunteer..if they 'let you go'.. at least you can collect unemployement until another job comes along. It's why you paid taxes on your paycheck.

Wolfies Rants said...


Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda...Says who?

     So, I watch this program on NBC called "American Ninja Warrior" its a fun show that showcases agility, fitness, at...