Thursday, August 03, 2006


I'll get back to that later.
First off, some sad news...Spot, my fish, passed away today...Passed hell, he died..Found him floating belly up this evening when I got home from work. Personally I have some suspicions of foul play...Gobu and Floyd were a bit too chummy ....

He was a good fish.

On the Mel front...He's still an ass..And now he's an officially charged ass. BIG FREAKING DEAL! You All Know, that if it were you or I, we would still be cooling our heals as guests of the Malibu sheriffs right this instant!
Damn Celebrity Justice! I don't care what they say, there is no way you are going to tell me that he had no idea what he was saying. That this was not deep rooted.

So, when the bombs come dropping..Who's gonna be first in line to surrender???? YUP, You Betcha, FRANCE!
Then we can call it a bonafide, dyed in the wool, WWIII, No They'll tell you the Korean war don't count, that was a Police Action..(BULLSHIT! Tell that to the people who fought in it!) and the Vietnam war doesn't count..Why, them boys was in their PJ's (Bullshit!, Tell that to the Men and Women who fought and died there, who came back with the physical and mental scars)...But yet the Gulf War..Was a WAR..And that lasted Technically, a few months....I mean what with the Republican Guard giving up to any one who wasn't them.

What's going on now...Ask someone there if its a war...They'll tell you yes. Ask someone who hasn't been involved in it, most likely they will say no. Me, If they're shooting at me with anything more than a damn BB gun..YOU BET YOUR SWEET ASS IT'S A WAR!


Annie said...

Got some anger issues there Wolfie? Nothing like a shooting range to help you vent some of that, eh?
WTF are you doing to your poor fish? *glare* . Spot is dead. *sniffle* That is so sad. I don't think I could handle this many deaths in the family. Did you interrogate Bear and Bruno? I suspect it's a conspiracy.

About Mel? Disappointed is more what I feel. Disappointed in the man/actor that I thought had some integrity (great marriage/kids) and brilliance (Actor/Director). Amazing how the true color of people come out at the most inopportune moments. Yes, he got away with special treatment. They had an audio recording of the entire incident, so how could he deny it? From what I hear, the Malibu police dept. was willing to hang the arresting officer out to dry in order to protect Mel. That's unacceptable right there. It's the cover-up procedure that made me mad. Mel? He's done, he's over.. he needs to go back to Australia and consider his career dead.

Wolfies Rants said...

Australia was founded by a prison colony...I'm just saying..

Kidding, I'm joking...I love aussies...I'm saying that Gibstien has some deepseated issues that go back to child hood...plain and simple..And as for Malibu PD..Well, can ya say BOUGHT?

I knew that you could.

Annie said...

So then what do you think of these other actors, ie Jodie Foster, making public statements that he's not this, that and the other? Do you believe them. I used to think Jodie Foster had some integrity.

Ok.. I'm going to say it..Malibu = BOUGHT!

tee hee

Wolfies Rants said...

Lock, Stock and bagel...

Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda...Says who?

     So, I watch this program on NBC called "American Ninja Warrior" its a fun show that showcases agility, fitness, at...