Well, what was I saying about dropping the ball....OK, I'm not one for parades much, but hey, it's the so-called "GRAND DADDY OF EM'ALL".
Yes, I'm talking about the Rose Parade...and this year, there was no Bob And Stephanie...no commercial free KTLA Channel 5...being in Arizona, I have the affiliates...and the BIG THREE ABC, CBS AND NBC
So, I turn on the Television, and choose, the Peacock:
and who do I get....These two winners:
Yeah..Billy and Nancy...do I get a play by play of the parade? No..do I get to see coverage of the floats?...no.
What I get is talk of Billy's chest hair stuck on a float...Nancy's impending pregnancy....The Donald...Commercials!
and then, if that's not enough...oh, this is the topper...They cut-out on the parade at 10:30 am...FOR REGGIS AND KELLY!
The Parade Ends AT 11:00!
I switched to ABC, parade still on...They cut off a half hour for REGGIS! Freaking Reggis!
There were still floats, Bands..Horses! And countless millions get jipped for REEGE!
Bunch of rip off bastards!
I mean thousands, no, millions of people were watching this, and they get short-changed for Philbin and the blonde...what a bunch of crap.
Way to start the year off NBC..
OK, Now, most people who know me, know I'm not the most politically correct person around. Hell, probably on the planet...not really that bad, but somethings I just don't get. (And if I offend anyone, I'm sorry, but I have to get this out...)
Like this:
The Arizona Attorney General is filing suit against some movie theatres on behalf of a hearing impaired man, and a blind man...saying that the theatres are not accessible to them.
i don't see it..I mean, I can understand the point on behalf of the deaf guy...they can install a prompter, captions..what have you...but the blind guy?
what? headphones?...
Seriously, I'm not being facetious...I don't see it. I know that just because he is blind, is no reason that he can not go to the movies, but a lawsuit? WHY?
OK..so they get that, what next..he the guys that don't understand English sue to have Subtitles in their language?....Interpreters on the screen in a little bubble?
Some guy to sit next to you and give you the play by play?
On stage Foley artists?!
When does it fucking end?!
Look, I'm not trying to be insensitive to anyone, really...but that's why the damn things come out in DVD..so you can watch it (listen to it) in the privacy of your own home, Captions included...and there ya go.
I go to the movies, bad enough I have to worry about Joe Schmo talking through the whole damn thing...now I have to worry if I'm sitting in the "Special" Section?
and they wonder why I rant...
First off... I can't believe they cut out the parade for Regis and Kelly. I too would be annoyed. R&K are quite the annoying pair.
Second.... buy the DVD. Or, illegally dowload it like everyone else and watch it at home. That's all I'm going to say about that.
but Wolfie, why would anybody wonder about you being in the 'Special' Section? You're special! LOL! *smirk*
Funny, funny....
Not my point darlin'...ya goof.
I know! I was taking advantage of a cheap shot.
Cheap shots at Wolfie is a rarity.
I think I should file suit at the movie theaters for not serving unbuttered popcorn - I mean it's discrimination to people who are lactose intolerant! My word! I'm offended. Where's my lawyer!
Justice, I seek justice!
Wolfie, u migrating then ?;p
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