Well, got preliminary word on his condition. Though his vitals are still strong, his calcium and liver enzymes were not good..and the red cells were off, as well as the white cell count.
They are still waiting to hear on whether or not he has Valley fever...but the most likely outcome is my boy has cancer.
To see him play, you wouldn't know it.
I came home today, and he jumped up at me like always. We played in the backyard like nothing was wrong, but it was evident when he tired much quicker than usual.
The vet is hoping that he doesn't have valley fever, as that would just complicate things, but she said that if cancer is the main bug here, than it was caught in time and could be treated.
Still have to wait and see....
I hate waiting.
I'm beginning to HATE Arizona Wolfie. It could be a benign CYST! We humans get lumps all the time; but they are benign... just makes us lumpy and we get them removed. My Mom had three - not cancer.
Let's hope and I'll think good thoughts. I'm sorry Wolfman - this is a trying time. I'm glad you have your job to keep your mind off things for now. I can't imagine job searching at a time like this.
Please continue posting with updates.
I'm not EVEN going to ask about your fish!
I'm with Annie. I'll keep thinking good thoughts and keep up hope. Bruno's lucky to have someone who cares so much for him.
A few years back my Puppy started the same thing, not eating, being mopey, but instead of losing weight she was gaining like crazy. She got so fat she couldn't even get up the stairs. When we took her to get tested we found that she has a thyroid problem. She takes a pill twice a day. There's nothing I wouldn't do for that pooch. They truely are man's best friend.
Keep us updated and I'll keep my fingers crossed that it turns out to be something that isn't serious.
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