Monday, June 29, 2009

What does this mean to me???? are you kidding..

The folks here at "B" are going to be celebrating their 10Th birthday...YEAH!
OK, so I could be a bit more enthused..but really, I am happy about this, I have been blogging since 2006, and well they would like a little something about what blogging means to me.

Well, in a nutshell( just love that term, really..heheh!), this is an outlet for me. It lets me get a lot off my chest, so to speak. I'm free to speak my mind. Write about anything I wish, no matter how nonsensical it is, and if people comment, or follow, fine, if not,that's fine too.

I've made friends here, like Annie, my dream boat Annie..she is my light in the storm. She was the first to leave a comment on my paltry bit of a blog, and opened me up to so many others, like Jonnz, Dr Paul, Poohbearie, and the ever smiling Topless Becky(Hey! I'm the only one that calls her that..Its just Becky to you scmhoes...!).
any who, the point I'm trying to make here is the freedom of self expression. It runs rampant on blogger..and that is by far the best thing that I've seen in a long time. I don't see many such as myself, with the exception of those I have named, but still, its that self-expression that I've seen that just makes this place a joy to write at, and to stay...
Thanks to the folks at Blogger for providing me an outlet for my rants...

Happy Birthday..


Annie said...

You're a bit psycho Wolfie but you have a knack for cheering people up. Thanks for being so nice to me when I feel like I'm being kicked in the gut.

Beware of Topless Becky.. she's like 19yo and she owns a shovel. She helps me bury dead people when in need.

It's alright you've been gone. We're allowed to disappear once in a while; but we're never really gone in Blogger world me thinks.

Wolfies Rants said...

true darlin...and if you need dump bodies, hey, people disappear in the dessert every day... :)

I'm always here for you..

Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda...Says who?

     So, I watch this program on NBC called "American Ninja Warrior" its a fun show that showcases agility, fitness, at...