Wednesday, October 11, 2006

5 1/2 hours and a wake-up....

Yeah, the day is here...that day I make the last "40 mile ride" to the hell hole...tomorrow, is my last day at work. Am I sad? NO! "he says resounding"...hahahaha! If anything I feel quite relieved.
A co-worker stopped me today and said "I'm so jealous of you."
"Why?" I asked her.
"Because, you won't have to put up with this daily bullshit, anymore..."

I thought about that all day. You know I've had my share of jobs, wantabe careers, and even my own business, and you know what I've come to find out?
There's always bullshit.
What you put up with, and what you decide to take are two different things.

The bullshit you put up with...Traffic, rude people, assholes, dipstick co-workers, bosses....that's stuff you can manage, let role off your back like the perverbial duck in water.

The bullshit you decide to take...Bosses who dump on you daily, being passed over for promotions, passed up raises, being lied to, manipulated, cheated....You can decide to take that and lay down, letting the steamroller run right over your pathetic ass. Or you can say "Fuck it! I've had can take this job and stick it where the sun don't shine, ya lousy bastards, I may need money, but I don't need it this bad."


Or, in a more civilized way....tender your letter of resignation. Which is civilized man's way of saying...BITE ME!

and getting two weeks pay in the!

Hey, might as well get something out of the deal, right?

So I will get up in the morning...get showered, dressed, properly coffeed'd(don't leave the house without coffee) and take that 40 mile drive to work.

whether I behave myself tomorrow...well, that's a whole 'nother story....

Hey, I can't be expected to good, all the time..... ;-)


Annie said...

*dancing the jig* Hoop Hoop Hooray! If I can't quit my job, then at least somebody else can. Good for you. I LOVE the last day of work feeling. I've had my share of about 10 of them and I LOVE IT!. Thanks for sharing it; I'm glad you do and you're moving on to better opportunities. There's always another job.

Wolfies Rants said...


Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda...Says who?

     So, I watch this program on NBC called "American Ninja Warrior" its a fun show that showcases agility, fitness, at...