Sunday, October 15, 2006

Off The beaten Path...

Well, lets see...I've seen the movie "Kingdom of Heaven" 31 times...why?

A: Is it because I'm obsessive?

B: I like Movies about history?

C: Swords, blood, violence...Horses?

D: Knights, The Crusades, Lost causes?

If you said a probable combination of all four, you're probably right. I do have an obsessive need to see certain movies I like repeatedly. Some films I can quote line for line...The wife thinks I'm insane. haha!

I was a history major in college, and I did a paper on the Crusades, got a 'C'...but thats besides the point. Medievil history has always been a big thing with me. Hence, my sword and weapon collection. The blood, violence, and horses...hey, I'm a guy...'nuff said.

Lost causes...always been a champion of them. Guess thats why I got involved in customer service...explains my last job. Trying to help people, even though my company couldn't give a rats ass. All they cared about was the money.

You want to talk movie collections....I'm packing and realized, one box was not going to do the job. Try four bins, and one box. and I'm talking those Rubbermaid bins..the big ones...I think I have close to 400 movies...thats not counting the ones I recorded...thats Video and DVD. DVD's alone filled one bin and a box.

why, you may ask? I like movies...I see a movie at the theatre, and I'm like "That's going in the collection." I have enough horror movies that I have my annual "Halloween Horror Fest!" Last year it was Classics....Frankenstein, The Wolfman, Dracula, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Phantom of the Opera (original silent version with Lon Chaney,Sr.) . This year, well, because of the move, it's gonna be late. but I'm thinking Zombie fest 2006...I've got all the Romero's, plus a few of the wannabe's...hey, I get some munchies...the boys (my dogs) and I'm good to go...

And who know's, I might even watch Kingdom of Heaven for the 32nd time...Yes, I have the DVD...see the I've watched it 31 times on cable. NOW THAT'S OBESSIVE.

But, you see, its not that I have nothing to's that I chose to go on that path.

I do lots of other stuff. This is just one of the things I do.

Like, this blog.

Take some time to go off the path that is supposed to be your life. Do something that others might see as obsessive, nuts, wacky, or to use a term dear to a new friend of mine, Wonky...and do what makes you happy.

Life's to damn short to spend it in the fast lane speeding by.


Annie said...

31 TIMES! Are you out of your MIND! Geeezuz.. Wolfie.. Intervention.. yes, that's what's needed here. I haven't seen it even one time.. LOL! *running away laughing* I've done the same with the movie, Four Weddings and a Funeral... just an all around good movie about friendships and being mid-20 something phase. I own about 4 boxes of VHS tapes.. I slowed down on collecting the DVDs.. haven't had time to watch movies. I prefer to watch them and then decide, like you, if it's worthy of the Annie collection.

Last DVD I bought was Curious George and Seinfeld season 1.. before that, I bought "Equilibrium" with Christian Bale.

Reel Fanatic said...

I would recommend professional help if I wasn't in the same boat .. I've probably seen Robert Nashville at least that many times, and probably will see at least 10 more before I depart from this mortal coil

Wolfies Rants said...

Equilibrium...Fantastic movie!
Unfortunately, I loaned my copy out to a co-worker...never saw it again.

NOW, with leaving the job and all, I guess I never will.

Have to look for it..;)And yes Annie, I am out of my mind..but that's besides the point, like I tell my wife.


Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda...Says who?

     So, I watch this program on NBC called "American Ninja Warrior" its a fun show that showcases agility, fitness, at...