Monday, October 09, 2006

What the hell is wrong with people??

I was getting ready for work today, had the tv on, listening for the traffic reports. I heard a helocopter flying around outside, sounded close. I looked outside, it looked to be in the general direction of my local Ralph's Supermarket. "ok", I thought, "they tried to rob Ralph's again."
Ok, no big..I go back to what I'm doing, when I hear this breaking news story...This guy had just called the cops, reporting that his wife was dead, that he killed her. Cop show up and find her in the bedroom of their apartment, stabbed to death. Their kids were in the next room...they wittnessed the whole thing!
Now the kicker...It was the Apartments right across the street from the Ralphs market. I was like, Damn!
I pass those apartments everyday. To see something like this happen, damn..and in front of his kids! The guy had walked to a park, about a block away, and called the police. Think he was feeling a bit guilty?
What the hell's wrong with people?

A man walks into an Amish school...a nightmare insues....

A man creates a nightmare for his family...

Have we all lost our senses, or is this just a bit of that which is called life. The sad, sick part that we spend so much time trying to block out.
Have we desensitised ourselves to violence that we don't recognize when others are crying out for help?

Have we forgotten how to help?

Or have we gotten to damn hung up with being Politically Correct, that we're afraid to lend a helping hand to those who need it...want desparately are crying out for it...that we turn a blind eye till its too damn late.

We can't keep doing this to ourselves people...we just can't. Or pretty soon, there won't be any one left to piss off.
Or piss on...


Annie said...

What's wrong with people? Well, how much time you got? and to think you're moving away from that excitement and drama! You're gonna miss it. Oh, I know, just watch the news channels and you'll feel right at home. :D

Wolfies Rants said...

forgot about the news...:-/

Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda...Says who?

     So, I watch this program on NBC called "American Ninja Warrior" its a fun show that showcases agility, fitness, at...