Wednesday, October 25, 2006

So....Halloween is coming...

Yes, it's that time of year. No Annie, not for Daylight savings...god I hate changing that clock back and forth....It's Halloween! Wolfie's time to howl! The ghost and goblins come out to play. It used to be about candy, oh the candy...But now its sooooo much more. There are parties to be had, costumes to be made. Decorations and folks to be SCARED!

That's right, I'm all about the fright factor. I love that rush! From the horror movies, to the documentaries...I watch em all. AMC has "Monster FEST X" the tenth anniversary of Monster fest and to celebrate they are showing the whole gamut of the Halloween franchise... From the original shocker to the lame sequels that followed...One was great..two, OK...but come on..they got bad from then on.

AMC gave me my own idea for a movie fest on Halloween. I started collecting horror movies, from "B-movies" to classics, to recent gore blasts.

Last year it was "Classics Fest", This year, its "Zombie Fest 2006" The living dead will be visiting Arizona, via the DVD...

I'm also going to watch whatever specials I can about haunted places...freak myself out...Why?

BECAUSE IT'S HALLOWEEN! Seriously, this is time of year to freak some spooky stuff...get the popcorn, dress up, hell, throw a party. Just have fun. If you have kids, make sure to get them out to trick that treat...lots of safe places nowadays....but just let them have fun.

Have your own movie fest...get some schlocky movies....really bad ones from the fifties...Like "ATTACK OF THE KILLER SHREWS" or "THE WASP WOMAN!" mix em with some real good ones, like "DAWN OF THE DEAD" "LAND OF THE DEAD" "The HAUNTING"(the original), Dracula(take your pick) Or any Universal Classic....And have a blast!

I'm just saying, have some doesn't have to be scary, scary...Halloween can be a really good time...if you want it to be.

And if you can't get the movies...There's always the AMC Channel on cable....


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