What I find Interesting......My mother used to say, "Two things you discuss with Wolfie are Politics and Religion...Why? Because you're going to be in for an argument that you're never going to hear the end of...."
My mother knew me like no other...
See, being that I am was raised a catholic, and choosing to be not a practicing catholic, has sometimes cause a stir amongst members in my family. I could never understand the duality of the church. Much less the hypocrisy...I once had an hour long, and often loud, debate with a guy who refused, rather vehemently mind you, to admit that Jesus Christ was not a Catholic and the founder of Roman Catholicism.
Barr the fact that Christ was a Hebrew...
Actually a Nazarene....
Needless to say that he was totally frustrated by the end of the hour, and would not talk to me for a few weeks...not that I cared, but it was ridiculous that here we have an association that deems itself so important, that they would have the audacity to try and change history...
So...Religion...has started wars, ended empires, and caused one certain resident Wolf's brother to be a total ass...
See, long story short, Dumbass decided to have an affair, times three...OK like I said, he's an ass...he also got caught.
Any self-respecting wife would have kicked his ass out on his ear...BUT NOOOOOO.
Sis-in-law takes him back..okay, their business....fine with that. But, see, my sister in law belongs to the Jehovah's Witness faith, and well, they decided that my bro should do PENANCE.....YEAH, You got...THEY DECIDED. See, she told everyone..my family, hers, the church..OY!
His Penance?
He was Shunned. No talkie. He could go to meetings(church), but could not sit with his family, and no one could talk to him for one year.
he took it...
He also dealt with it...with alcohol.
See, now, I'm not condoning what the dumbass did...he was wrong...stupid and wrong.
BUT! She took him back. Her Choice! So, anything that went on should have stayed between them..plain and simple.
So, his daughter, first born girl is getting married...Oh happy day, right?
They ELDERS(WTF!), decide that for the ceremony to proceed, he cannot attend.
He cannot:
1-Walk her down the isle.
2-attend the ceremony, period!
3-attend the reception..
And he AGREED!
Daughter and Wife were OK with this!
Meanwhile, Wolfie, who was putting in heavy OT because his bosses at Health Net decided to screw the pooch with Medicare D last year, could not attend.
But when I found out what was going on, blew my stack!
Hey, he screwed up, but who the fuck are these assholes to say what goes on......
She took him back, that means she forgave him....Nuff Said!
My kid, I paid for everything...You're damn right I'm walking her down the isle..You don't want to attend..Fuck off...
This is what happens when you let religions..ANY RELIGION...Try and dictate you life.
Any relationship you have between whatever God you choose to believe in..COOL BEANS...But religions are associations started by man, with doctrines written by MAN!
And when they start telling you what to do in you Private lives, once you and your wife have worked it out, then that is pure and unadulterated BULLSHIT!
And btw, where did he watch his daughter get married? He sat in a room at the Madonna Inn, and received pictures via computer feed...
Do I feel sorry for him?
No. He made his bed, three times...
Why am I angry?
Cause it behooves me that these people have the nerve to think they are so above reproach that they can dictate to others...
If I offended anyone...Well, I'm sorry, but hey...Shit happens.