Anyway ya spell it...I could use it right about now...
Don't know if it's a cold, or just the a case of the Blah's...but I'm not feeling up to par. And it really sucks, too...I have two interviews in the morning..really need the job (as my regular readers have know from my past, and I have to get up early too...oy.
What sucks even more, I did what I didn't want to do, I signed up with a temp agency.
Why? I don't know...I answered an ad for a direct hire, seems the company was going through a temp agency....Thing is, the damn agency was supposed to call me back after I had my interview with them on Friday...well, had the interview, which BTW, took forever and damn day, and did they call me? NO! The rat bastards...
But they did send me some nice assessment tests to do online...some of which would not download onto my I send them a nice email, letting them know this, and that the rep who was to call, never did...and, that they also forgot to give me the exact address for the interview...See, I'd like to know that I actually have an interview, instead of just showing up and have them say.."I'm sorry, we have nothing for Mr.Wolfie" Won't I look the fool.
Feeling like I feel right now, I think I'd be a little ticked off...know what I mean.
Guess watching "Kingdom of Heaven" right about now, isn't a good idea...huh?...
hey, whats a little medieval violence if not to soothe the
Back to the soup...
Yeah, I should have gone out and got some...don't know what it is, maybe its missing the wife, maybe its all this hassling with the jobs...maybe its the weather changing.
I just feel yucky...and that's my Official term. I feel worse than Charlie Brown getting the push off from the little Red Haired Girl at dance time...
Guess its just a funk...I don't know...if I was a drinking man, I'd say, nothing a couple of shots of vodka can't help...but I'm not a drinking man.
So I guess its a jigger of Orange Juice....hmmm..but that soup sounds sooo good. Maybe I'll stop and grab some fixings tomorrow.....
Its 12:30 am my time...and I'm wide awake...that really sucks.
where's my Benedryl....
*pat pat on da head*
They say a couple of the major stresses in life include change of jobs and moving as well as death of a friend/relative, divorce, illness, etc. You're experiencing both at the same time.
Been there too.
When I moved up to Seattle from California, I had no job, no place to live and just one friend I knew and I was sleeping on her couch and my stuff in a storage unit. I did the temp agency - and it took the burden off for awhile. I called working temp a way of "Screening employers". I got to scope out the company and ask about the rumors and reputations of other companies. It was good inside information. I knew where NOT to apply for a job.. LOL..
Then it took a toll and I got sick... took myself to the ER, inhaled a $300 bill and needed to find a good job quick. The ER guy working on me told me I should apply and work there. So, I did and I got a job the next week.
Things happen in there own place and time Wolfie. Don't rush it.. Go with the flow. Things will happen when they should. Maybe somebody thinks you needed a chance to take your time to find the right employer.
Of course you miss your wife. If you didn't, you wouldn't be human and it's the holidays. Drink your soup and feel better.
Next week, I won't be so nice to you. I'm getting over the flu bug and I won't be on this codeine cough medicine. Take your Benadryl - always puts me to sleep.
Another night owl.
Hoot Hoot.
Yeah yeah...
could be sinuses..too, ya know.
*Looking at picture of alphabet soup* Is alphabet soup really that nice? I mean I read about it in the comics and all but is it? (LOL)
I'm sure it must be a real pain to have to wait around for results but keep cool, Wolvie. No point losing beauty sleep over it as well.
Know what ya mean, Jonzz...I just have to keep pluggin away...And I've never been quite the fan of Alphabet soup...something about the prospect of my food talking back to me, not appealing...
Um.. The soup talk to you Wolfie?
You've never mentioned that. Does it speak to you about anything in particular?
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